Newsletter from Trustee Dr. John P. Hansen, District VI

Nov 5, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

I have dedicated my life to quality education for our local students. I am proud to be a part of this exciting college, and happy to serve as Board Chair for 2020.

HCC is a strong, vibrant, innovative, and diverse community college, now with more than 100,000 students. Young scholars come from all over the world to study here. We can be proud of the lives this great institution has impacted. HCC is a viable opportunity to so many because college trustees, faculty and administrators have worked to keep tuition low while providing outstanding instruction in accessible campuses and learning centers across the city.

Despite the difficulties faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, HCC continues to move forward, following a single vision and commitment to keep student needs first and foremost in our decisions. We have made great strides in recent years to improve the student experience. Rigorous academic and workforce programs that produce world-class leaders have been added and they prepare students for challenging careers in emerging industries. We see positive improvement in the college’s developmental education programs, especially in mathematics. I remain committed to helping HCC move forward as an educational leader locally, nationally, and globally.

In January, the college welcomed four new Trustees: Monica Flores Richart of District I, Rhonda Skillern-Jones of District II, Dr. Reagan Flowers of District IV, and Dr. Cynthia Lenton-Gary of District VII. I appreciate the talents of these individuals and enjoy helping them “on-board.” HCC will benefit from their fresh perspectives.

Finally, let me offer my assurance that HCC has been proactive and diligent in helping minimize the spread of COVID-19. The college follows guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for social distancing and sanitizing facilities. Students and visitors to the campuses are greeted with stringent protocols, including a temperature check, before being allowed entrance. Residents can have confidence that HCC is doing all it can to safeguard the health and wellbeing of its students and employees



Trustee Dr. John P. Hansen  Signature

John P. Hansen, Ph.D.

HCC Board of Trustees

Chair, District VI


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