Members of HCC faculty honored for commitment to student-driven learning
Jan 28, 2015
Seven faculty members were honored by the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) for their strong commitment to instructional transformation through “student-driven” learning.
Those faculty members received the 2014 Judy Hayman Student Engagement Innovation Award for demonstrating their commitment to acquire knowledge about active, collaborative and engaging teaching techniques, learning tasks, and assessment methods, and applying them to include in the design of their courses.
Nearly 75 faculty members completed CTLE’s student-driven course quality redesign processes. The awardees were selected as having achieved well-beyond established goals of that growth experience.
The award comes with recognition for being designated as TLE Certified – 21st Century Xemplary Faculty and a $2,000 scholarship to participate in a teaching and learning strategies professional growth event.
Congratulations to each of the following faculty who received the 2014 Hayman Award: Tineke Berends, Jane Cirillo, Aiden Eblimit, Leslie Comfort, Mary Louis, Charles Rucker, and Cammy Shay.