Student Athlete Forms
HCC Student Release and Waiver [249 kbs]
HCC Release of Liability, Waiver of Rights, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement.
Form must be completed in order to participate in HCC Rec Sports programs.
HCC Health Disclosure & Medical Treatment Authorization [47 kbs]
Form must be completed in order to participate in HCC Rec Sports programs.
HCC Student Travel Release Form [91 kbs]
HCC Student Athletes Must fill out this form if participating in any Off Campus Trip. ex: Games, Matches, Tournaments etc.
NJCAA Club Sports Participation Guidelines [415 kbs]
Form must be completed in order to participate in HCC Rec Sports programs.
HCC Student Code of Conduct
What follows is the student code of conduct, which includes non-exhaustive references to
applicable hcc policies. referenced board policies may be found at:
HCC Student Code of Conduct 2018-19 [209 kbs]
All HCC Student Athletes will abide by all the rules and regulations in the HCC Student Code of Conduct