HCC Tutoring program awarded College Reading & Learning Association certification

Aug 27, 2019

Houston Community College's face-to-face tutoring program has been awarded the College Reading & Learning Association’s (CRLA), International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) for the Southeast, Southwest, Central, Coleman, Northeast and Northwest campuses.

The HCC Tutor Training Program is approved to issue Stage One, Level 1 Certificates to all tutors who meet its CRLA-approved requirements. While not required for all staff members, ITTPC provides professionals with opportunities to improve and expand tutoring programs on their campuses, while awarding a personal certification widely acknowledged in the industry.

According to Amanda Guerrero, Director of Instructional Support; ”the HCC Tutor Training Program was approved to certify Stage One, Level 1 certificates due to the strong support it has received from the college administration, its quality training materials and professional support, and its dedication to going above and beyond to improve tutoring outcomes.”

Since 1989, over 1,000 college tutor training programs around the globe have received ITTPC at one or more levels.

To find out more information about tutoring services at HCC please visit hccs.edu/tutoring.

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