HCC and U.S. Department of Labor join forces for manufacturing apprenticeships

Mar 20, 2019


Houston Community College held a signing ceremony on with the United States Department of Labor - Office of Apprenticeship making HCC a Registered Apprenticeship Center on March 18 at the Administration Building, 3100 Main.

HCC Chancellor Cesar Maldonado, Ph.D., P.E. and Board Chair Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, launched this influential event.
HCC Stafford campus workforce building is home to the Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence, focusing on training qualified workers in high-growth, high-demand and high-wages occupations. These include machining, additive manufacturing, robotics, CNC operations and advanced manufacturing.
By working directly with employers, the new Registered Apprenticeship Center creates a qualified workforce with HCC students.
“This is a historic milestone for HCC and the Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence,” said Interim Dean Ritu Raju. “For the first time, HCC will serve as the sponsor of the apprenticeships and will work directly with employers.”
Students who complete the machining technology or manufacturing engineering technology program at the center can earn an Associate of Applied Science, Certificate Level 2 or Certificate Level 1.

“There are only two [registered apprenticeship centers] in this entire area. And in manufacturing, [HCC] is the only one," said James F. Carnes, U.S. Department of Labor. "By taking this bold step we’re making apprenticeships more accessible to the American public, to the employers and to the potential employees.”

Houston is recognized as a top manufacturing city in the country with more than 10,000 manufacturers who employ more than a quarter million skilled workers in the production of plastics, rubber, metals, medical devices, valves, fittings, steel products and petrochemicals.
“With a state-of-the-art campus, highly qualified faculty and accreditation from industry-recognized bodies, such as the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC) and National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS), Houston Community College is the perfect partner to serve local employers to create a talent pipeline and up skill incumbent workers,” said Raju.

2019 HCC & Department Of Labor MOU Signing

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