First annual Spanish speaking only HCC Women's Bootcamp a success
Oct 25, 2018
The Houston Community College Entrepreneurial Initiatives/Center for Entrepreneurship at Southeast Campus recently hosted a Spanish only speaking Women’s Entrepreneurship Boot camp with great success.
HCC’s first annual Spanish speaking only Women’s Bootcamp held in the East End at Southeast campus has been slated as the ultimate entrepreneurial platform for women-owned start-ups and women leaders with business ideas. The Spanish version of the event was held on Friday, Oct. 19 with over 100 attendees. The purpose of the boot-camp was to support women who want to start a business. The bi-lingual speakers were all entrepreneurs who shared their business experiences and expertise to guide women through the needed business elements: the business plan, marketing, finance, and legal issues regarding the business structure.
A dynamic line-up of speakers at the Spanish-only boot-camp included Ana Rojas Bastidas, Directora Executiva The Indus Entrepreneurs (The Houston), Luz Marina Bedoya Venegas, CEO Dashboard y Mentor de SCORE, Samantha Guzman, Procuradora y Asistente Legal, Lone Star Legal Aid, and Jahira Lazo, Gestion de Activos y Banca Privada, BBVA Compass. In addition, Ruggero Hughs, Presidents de las Comision de las Fuerza Laboral de Texas, Luz Elena Rivers, CEO Amera Solutions & Alumna de Goldman Sachs, Lizzette Diaz, Director de la revista “Solo Mujeres”, and Adriana Potter, CEO La Vina, LLC – Distribuidores Nacional e Internacional who also shared valuable tips and information. These successful and professional entrepreneurs gave the participants practical and useful information. The attendees’ also had an opportunity to ask questions on the spot and the speakers were happy to oblige. According to Maya Durnovo, Chief Entrepreneurial Officer, “the day was filled with active involvement, sharing and enthusiasm as women were able to express their fears as well as excitement about starting a business. I was proud we could provide a lot valuable information and resources."
Networking was also a big part of the event and many of the women had the chance to network with each other over breakfast and lunch while also meeting community leaders like Councilwoman, Amanda Edwards, strategic partners such as SCORE, Silver Fox Advisors, SBA, East End Chamber of Commerce, Camara De Empresarios (ELH), ABC 13 Houston, Univision 45, Goldman Sachs, 10,000 Small Businesses, BBVA Compass, The Colombia Texas, Greater Houston, LGBT, Texas Workforce Commission, City of Houston, Lone Star Legal Aid, Modern Woodman, MBDA, LATINWE, NUKSTS, KW Memorial, Barker Ripley, and the President of Southeast, Dr. Melissa Gonzalez. They took pictures and used social media to let other people know how exciting this event was by tweeting #HCCMujerEmprendedora and #WeAreHCC. This wonderful event was put together by a team lead by Brenda Rios, Director, Entrepreneurial Initiatives and Community Outreach at Southeast College. Brenda Rios said “the attendees were so excited and inspired by this event that they want to organize a monthly club to help each other stay motivated in business." The ladies have now inspired Ms. Rios to develop more events like this in the future that also include a separate Spanish version only events as well.