HCC hosts State of the College 2017

Feb 26, 2017

It was early in the morning but the ballroom at the George R. Brown Convention Center was buzzing with energy as legislators, members of various industries, educators and community partners attended the Houston Community College (HCC) State of the College address.

“We are focused on one goal,” said Eva Loredo, Chair of the HCC Board of Trustees. “We want to create the ultimate student experience. It drives everything we do as we work to change our institution to ensure success for all students.”

Chancellor Dr. Cesar Maldonado delivered a message of innovation, growth and opportunity. Maldonado outlined how HCC is using the latest technology to transform the classroom experience and maximize the success of future graduates.

“We are working together to create innovative solutions that ensure our students have the tools to generate powerful results once they leave HCC and enter the workforce,” the Chancellor said.

Dr. Zachary Hodges, President of HCC Northwest College, spoke about one of the most innovative higher education facilities in the nation, the soon-to-open HCC West Houston Institute. It will be a state-of-the-art venue where design, advanced science, and innovation co-exist to propel the classroom experience to a new level.

“No other institution or facility in the region has all of these elements to synergistically facilitate innovative entrepreneurship. We believe that this is the future of learning and innovation,” said Hodges.

HCC supporters were praised by Mary Williams, President of the HCC Foundation Board.

“Last year, over 2,900 students received scholarships from HCC,” Williams said. “We frequently hear from students that these scholarships were the only way they could attend college and we want to thank you for your generous support.”

Maldonado also told the audience that a recent national assessment, calculated that HCC generates a total economic impact of $4.1 billion and HCC alumni equate to 38,800 added jobs to the region.

Referring to the more than 250 associate degrees and certificate programs offered at HCC, Maldonado equated them to 250 pathways to success.

The exhibit hall outside of the ballroom proudly showcased the work, mission and educational tools of the 15 Centers of Excellence at HCC. 

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