HCC holds Commencement Ceremony for GED students
May 12, 2016
In between claps, cheers, and tears of joy, friends and family members of the 2016 graduates from Houston Community College General Education Development Program (GED) celebrated their academic achievement. On the evening of Wednesday, May 11, proud graduates walked across the stage of the auditorium at HCC Central College to participate in the commencement ceremony. Many of these students had been away from the classroom for years.
“It was really nerve wracking,” says Monica Hernandez referring to the course of study. She left school more than a decade ago due to illness. “A lot of stuff I had forgotten since high school so I needed to re-teach myself how to keep up with my peers. It was like regular high school but with the difference that my teachers were more understanding.”
Board of Trustees Chair Adriana Tamez made a powerful impression on the graduates when she asked a few of them to stand up.
“Statistics show that only this many of you will go on to get a certification or a 4-year degree,” she said, pointing to those standing. “You have to prove statistics wrong. It is not acceptable. Everybody stand up and let’s prove them wrong!”
And they did. When every single GED graduate in the auditorium stood up, the audience exploded in thunderous applause feeling the excitement of future academic goals.
“This is a celebration for the students achieving this milestone and for them going on to the next phase of their education and their career,” said HCC Chancellor, Dr. Cesar Maldonado. “This is part of building that pipeline of success. By talking to students tonight I see that commitment in them. Some already have signed up for the next step of their education.”
One of those students is Angel Morris.
“The program at HCC helped me a lot. I want to continue at HCC to get an associate degree in business management and I want to open my own business,” said Norris. “Don’t be ashamed. As long as you have your education you can keep going after your goals.”
In one of the most moving moments of the ceremony, keynote speaker HCC Chief of Staff, Dr. Melissa Gonzalez shared her memories of how the GED program impacted her future and that of her family. She remembered the flyer for GED classes she brought home from elementary school. After seeing it, both her parents, who were migrant farm workers, registered for classes.
“That one decision was my special day. It changed our lives. Despite not having more than a sixth-grade education, despite the challenges, my parents’ motivation to break the cycle of us not becoming migrant workers was strong. I truly appreciate the support they gave each other.” said Gonzalez as her voice nearly broke.
At the ceremony, the HCC Foundation awarded three $1000 scholarships to three GED graduates so they could continue their education at HCC. Recipients were: Reza Khavari, Ariel Velosa and Brenda Carolina Sanchez.
To learn more about the GED Program at HCC, please visit: hccs.edu/ged